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Writer's pictureKimberly Clarke

8 Fun Facts Why We All Love Japan

Japan is a wonderful place. It is an interesting blend of traditional beauty and quirkiness. I lived in Japan for nine years and each day I loved it even more. My intention when I first went there was to stay for only two years, but the love grew, and I stayed. There was a feeling of belonging even though I was totally different from almost everyone around me. It is a situation that probably should not have worked, but it did. I loved every minute of it.

In the upcoming weeks, I will be sharing some of the lovely places and traditional activities that I have enjoyed in Japan. Amid all the beauty and the traditional, there is also the quirkiness that we all love. So, to start things off I will be looking at some of the funny, sweet, and somewhat eccentric parts of Japan, the country that now feels like a second home to me.

They are Very Welcoming

They literally shout “Welcome to our store” in every shop or public establishment that you go to. It doesn’t matter what kind. From department stores to bars and restaurants, you will be greeted with the wonderful “Irasshaimase!” There is nothing like stepping into an izakaya or a bar and hearing those words shouted at you. It is almost like a song, that sets you in the mood to have a good time. It is like coming home.

Separate Shoes for Inside

Who doesn’t love a clean house? I know I do. In Japan shoes that are worn outside are not worn inside the house. In western cultures some people also practice this as their own personal choice but in Japan it is a part of their culture. This also extends to schools and some restaurants. The inside shoes at schools are stored in little locker for each student. When you come inside, you take off your shoes put them in the lockers. Then you take your inside shoes from another space in the locker and wear those for the rest of the school day.

The Convenient Stores

On a long drive and need a refresher? No worries there is sure to be a convenient store close by. It feels like there is one at every corner. So, the frequency in which you can find one is great but also what you can find inside. You can find almost anything at the convenience store. Even a healthy, warm meal because the clerks can warm up your purchases for you. I must admit that some nights after work my dinner option was complete with offerings from the closest convenience store. But it would still be a complete meal with meat, veggies and fruits included and delicious.

Fun Work Parties You Never Speak of the Next Day

In Japan their work hours are pretty crazy. Even teachers work crazy long hours. I have seen teachers work from 7am in the morning until around 8pm, well after teaching hours and all the students have long left. There are also other professions with even later hours. So, it is not surprising that when they do party, they take it rather seriously. There is usually a lot of food, planned entertainment and of course the liquor flows freely. The party goers mostly partake of the alcohol and it might even be seen as rude if you don't drink and offer your coworkers a drink top-up when you see their glasses are empty. Therefore, unsurprisingly, by the end of the night there might have been a lot of drunken behavior, shenanigans and hopefully some fun. But as though it is an unwritten rule, no one ever speaks of it the next day or ever again! It is also always interesting to see your male coworkers or other ‘salary men’ laying around drunk afterwards, in the trains or maybe on the roadsides. Oh, how fun to live in an almost completely safe country!

No Talking on Cellphones in Public Transportation

So, you know that quiet bus or train ride that you have been wanting but never get on your trip to and from work? Well, in Japan, it might just be finally possible. Talking on your cellphone in a train or bus is not acceptable in Japan. If you do decide to risk it for an important call, be prepared to be stared at uncomfortably. To be honest I have to admit I really did not miss hearing peoples’ loud conversations while on the train. A quiet train ride home after work can go a long way in the unwinding process after work. So keep that going Japan, we love you for it!

Spas or Onsen are Everywhere

Two beautiful Japanese girls in onsen or spa smiling, looking happy

Spas or Onsen as they’re called in Japan are everywhere. Did you have a long day at work and want to relax and emerge yourself in a wonderful hot bath, with a gorgeous view? Well, look no further there might be one just down the road from you at a cheap cost. Big city or rural area, it doesn’t make a difference, there is always an Onsen there waiting for you. This was a favorite past time for me and my girlfriends, especially on Friday nights. A spa day and dinner at a restaurant always helped to start our weekend off exactly right.

Japan 'Kawaii' Culture

Pic of two cute Japanese girls dressed up in kawaii girly wear.

Japan loves everything ‘kawaii’ or cute. Cute culture is a real thing in Japan. It is a well-established and prevalent part of the culture. They love everything cute; they market it well and consumers spend money on it. Cute culture can be seen in the fashion in Japan, from the "Lolita Fashion" that can be childish and cute or hyper sexualized, to the funky, trendy fashion of the Harajuku girls. The idea of cute pervades Japanese fashion. Japan also markets cute in another way and this is through the cute characters that they are known for like, Hello Kitty. In every town that I have lived in and visited in Japan, there is a cute, cartoony mascot that represents the town. Local and national governmental bodies also often use cute characters as a means of sharing important information with the public. At first, I found it odd to share such important information in such a way, but after a while I kind of started to like it. Difficult and scary information was indeed easier to process with cute characters and imagery to soften the blow. That could just be me though, I started looking forward to seeing the cute characters. I do love the cute. Keep being cute Japan!

It is beautiful!

Ok, so this is not exactly a quirky factor, but it deserves mention. Japan is gorgeous and filled with wonderful natural sites like the naturally forming Onsen due to Japan being on land prone to volcanoes, and the traditional and cultural spots like their temples and shrines. Even in big cities you can see the beautiful natural sites and wonders. Take a drive and you can see the beautiful Mount Fuji or any other mountain in Japan. There are quite a few and they are all breathtakingly beautiful. Japan is one of the countries in the world that experiences the four seasons and each one has its appeal. I particularly love spring and fall in Japan. Spring has the beautiful soft, pink cherry blossoms. I loved walking through the parks while the ground was layered with pink petals and having picnics under the pink covering of cherry blossom laden trees. Then in fall you could see the lovely orange, yellow and brown colours on the trees that signals the changing of the season to winter. This is when I love to visit some of my favorite power spots like Goshikinuma lake just to take in the lovely view. No matter the season, Japan is a beautiful place to be, even in cities there is always a bit of nature and beauty for you to enjoy. No wonder we all love it.

If you ever get a chance, give Japan a visit. With its perfect blend of wonder and beauty you will not be disappointed!

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