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Writer's pictureKimberly Clarke

A Single Girl's Guide to Surviving the Christmas Holiday

Updated: Apr 24, 2020

Christmas is almost here. I can already hear the sleigh bells ringing and smell the spiked eggnog, and if I try hard enough, I think I can even taste the Christmas dinner. From memory these thoughts enter my mind uninvited but not entirely unwelcomed. I can see the presents to be opened under the Christmas tree on Christmas day. I can hear the chatter and laughter of family members, who have come from near and far, to join in the merriment of a family Christmas. It is also the time when some of us snuggle up with that special someone. Oh, the joy!

But what about those of us who are away from our family for Christmas? Or those of us without that significant other this season (for whatever reasons) with whom to share a cup of hot cocoa, while we watch the first snow fall together? Do we just live on the memories and drown our sorrows in wine? Well, never fear. My girlfriends and I have picked up a few classic tips that has helped us to cope with being in a foreign country for Christmas, and away from family. Today, I shall share a few with you, my extended family.

Carols and decorations

I’m a firm believer in the old 'fake it until you make it' adage, because in this case the joy does come once you get started. Get into the Christmas spirit by putting on some good old fashion Christmas carols. I don’t know what it is about them, but Christmas carols never fail to put me in a good mood. So, bust out that famous Mariah Carey song and decorate that Christmas tree. Decorate your home with things that will bring you Christmas cheer, while jamming to your favorite carols. It’s Mariah Carey’s season, after all. Let’s release her from her cryogenic chambers and thaw her out for Christmas. We owe it to the season … and quite frankly, to the culture.

Last year was the first time that I actually discovered the magic of this. In the beginning of the Christmas season, I impulsively bought a Christmas tree and a whole lot of decorations, more than my tree could hold. Then I went home, searched for Christmas carols on iTunes and then went about decorating the tree and my apartment. When I was done with the tree and finally flicked on the switch for those Christmas lights, I sat down to admire my handiwork, and it was a beautiful feeling. I didn’t think such a simple thing could fill me with that much joy. I think mainly that joy came from its reminder of home, and that extra love I always felt when I had all my family around me. But also, I think some of it was from finally doing it all myself. That had me smiling from ear to ear. It was my tree, my decorations and my Christmas, my way. So, clearly all I want for Christmas is to decorate for myself.

Cook, bake, eat the nostalgia

It’s the perfect time to try out those Christmas dishes that made your mouth water when mom used to make them. There’s also no need to worry if you have a few failures because you’re the only one that will know if it truly sucked. And guess what? You can just try it over and over again until it's perfect, which just fills my little Virgo heart with joy. Or I could just settle with what I deem good enough for me. Either scenario is just fine.

For a few years now I have been doing Christmas fruit cake on my own and I think I almost have it right. This time around I think it's time to add some of the other dishes I enjoyed as a child. The baked chicken, the roast beef and maybe even a honey roasted, Christmas ham… OK, Dad, if you’re reading this, maybe not the ham, the forbidden meat. But the thought does fill me with joy.

Don’t hibernate - Hang out with friends

When we’re alone for Christmas, I know our natural instinct is to stay in, and just pretend the outside world doesn’t exist. It’s so much easier to do that, and I get it. But there can be great reward from venturing outdoors and socializing with friends. I know they’re not family or that significant one, but they’re friends and I’m sure you have at least one good one, maybe even two or three. So, go out and have dinner, or invite them to your home and share some of that scrumptious Christmas grub that you perfected during those days of cooking and baking.

I remember one year I went to a Christmas breakfast that some of my coworkers were having. Usually most of us go home for Christmas, but this particular year a few of us opted to stay in Japan for Christmas. So, someone suggested we have a Christmas breakfast, a Christmas potluck to be exact. It was a simple but wonderful way to bring in the Christmas day. Hanging out with a friend also provides a welcome distraction from your thoughts about being away from your family for Christmas.

Go to church / Volunteer

For the Christians and religious minded among us, a nice visit to a nearby church might be good. I mean it is Christ's birthday after all. Spending a few hours amongst like-minded people and celebrating the main reason for the season, might help to put your mind at rest for a moment. It might also offer some comfort and reinforcement during this bittersweet season.

As a child growing up, in my home, we didn’t believe Christ was actually born on December 25th, it being a Seventh-Day Adventist Christian household. But we still thought his birth should be celebrated. So, I have some lovely memories of singing and celebrating with friends and family during the Christmas season at church.

Volunteering at a homeless shelter or helping someone in need is also a good way of celebrating love this season. So, in whichever way you celebrate love, doing a little of that can help to lift your spirits and help someone else in need.

Hibernate a little

Yea, I know this is counter to number three, but it’s a long few weeks of holiday and holiday spirit, so realistically, we might have to greet it in waves, girls. There will be those days when sitting at home with a cup of tea .... or a glass of wine, while watching a corny Christmas movie under the blankets, will be just what is needed. I for one am completely happy with this option. I slip under that blanket and disappear for a few hours. So, sip that wine, watch that movie or read that book, if you’re a reader, and enjoy the relaxation.

Sure, it’s a celebration of the big guys birthday, but it’s also your ‘me time,’ away from the stress of work and the noise that can come from having all the members of the family around. So, enjoy it. Embrace that time to yourself and relax.

Gift exchange/ Go shopping

Most of us love shopping, and I’m one of them. Very few things beat the feeling of shopping with friends and getting something new, especially if it’s something you have been wanting. So, this Christmas why not do both? Engage in a bit of retail therapy for yourself, while gifting someone the joy of something fun and new for Christmas.

A secret Santa activity amongst your friends can be a fun and cheerful activity for the season. Just ensure that a convenient spending limit is set for everyone. There is no need to go broke doing Christmas shopping. There is an entire year coming when you are going to need to eat. So, spend wisely but have a little fun. You can also get yourself something cute.

Start a new project

I'm sure we've all heard the quote about idle hands being the devil's plaything. Well, I'm here to say that idle minds... yup, also has the same problem. The best thing to do during the holiday season to take our minds off the family time we're missing out on, or the ex you are thinking of possibly calling, is to keep busy. We all have projects that we want to complete but claim to never have the time to do it. The Christmas holiday is the perfect time to tackle them.

We can even get started on those new year’s resolutions early. Clear out that closet that has been bursting with clothes, start that DIY project in the backyard, or pick up a new hobby. Yes, pottery is definitely the thing for you. No, you're not too old to go rock climbing.... Or maybe not that last one just yet. Baby steps. But you get the idea. Just do something that you think would be fun for you, that will also keep you occupied during the holiday. The new year is fast approaching and it’s time to start thinking about how to make it our best one yet.


The Christmas holiday is a time for merriment and cheer, so let's not get in our own way this season by thinking of what we're missing, but of what we have. Christmas is fun when spent with family, but it isn't the only way to enjoy it. Following some or all of these tips have served my friends and I well over the years. Choose the ones that fits best with your lifestyle and personality and lets all enjoy this holiday season. So, until next time, be of good cheer and happy holidays everyone.



Kimberly Clarke
Kimberly Clarke
Dec 22, 2019

Thank you my dear. I’m glad you liked it. If you have any requests on things you would like me to write about, let me know. Thanks for reading 😃


Keera Clarke
Keera Clarke
Dec 21, 2019

Another detailed descriptive writing. I am almost sure you gonna have alot of people shaking their heads in agreement to some of those instances you have highlighted. Once again this piece has shown your talent in writing.

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