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Writer's pictureKimberly Clarke

Career Burnout and How to Reverse it

As adults we tend to juggle many responsibilities, and sometimes it feels like there is a lot happening all the time. The sad part of this is that many of these things are necessary responsibilities that cannot be avoided. They may include family, school, financial or even health care responsibilities. Then on top of it all, we have our jobs or careers which is a key component in taking care of the other responsibilities. So it cannot be avoided either.

Our jobs usually take up a lot of our time and energy, and we constantly feed into it, either because of a love for it, or due to the financial security it brings. The average employed adult works for about 8 hours per day. These hours do not even account for overtime hours or those extra work from home hours that we have been putting in since the pandemic, sometimes without even noticing it. Continuing non-stop in this way can cause burnout. According to CAMH, burnout is a state of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. Burnout in the course of employment can make one feel emotionally drained and unable to function in the context of work and other aspects of life. This therefore affects all facets of our lives not only our jobs, so it is a condition that should not be ignored.

Burnout is a slow process. It doesn’t happen overnight. But it can still take you by surprise because it's insidious nature. There are however some signs that you can look out for. These signs are usually subtle at first but get worse and more prevalent over time if not addressed.

Stress vs. Burnout

Stress and burnout go hand in hand and can be caused from overworking and exhaustion, but there are some key differences. According to CAMH stress and burnout though they may be related, there are differences in how they manifest. Generally, someone who is stressed tends to be over-reactive and hyperactive, whereas burnout presents more as disengagement and produces a sense of helplessness and hopelessness, with loss of motivation and hope. It can also lead to depression and detachment. Living with chronic stress can lead to burnout, which is a combination of physical fatigue, emotional exhaustion and a decreased sense of efficacy or accomplishment. Burnout also happens when we have unhealthy or ineffective coping mechanisms. For instance, drinking too much after an extra long day, not exercising because you feel too tired. Even drinking too much coffee because you are trying to combat the tiredness. I know we love our caffeine but too much of anything is never ideal. Moderation in all things is key.

How to Prevent Burnout

Burnout is now considered a legitimate medical diagnosis, according to the International Classification of Diseases, or the ICD-11, the World Health Organization’s handbook that guides medical providers in diagnosing diseases. It also happens more commonly than many of us realize. Recently with so many of us working from home, burnout has been increasing. Working from home gives you a sense of comfort that makes you believe that you can always do more because you are home. But that only makes you 'carry work home with you' and insert it in time slots that was once unconsciously allotted to relaxing at home and spending time with the family. This prevents you from ever really logging off from work, so you are constantly in work mode, and this can lead to mental exhaustion. Find out more about the signs of mental exhaustion here.

HelpGuide states that burnout can also cause long-term changes to your body that makes you vulnerable to illnesses like colds and flu. Due to its many possible symptoms and consequences it is important to address burnout right away. Thankfully, burnout can be prevented. It is important to pay attention to our bodies and our mental state, and this can help us to prevent a breakdown, mental or physical. Here are a few ways on how to prevent burnout.

Recognize the signs

An important part of dealing with burnout is to first recognize it for what it is. Recognize the signs. Are you feeling irritable about work, feeling like you have little or no control over your work, working too much without time to socialize or relax? Or do you feel like all you have time for these days is just work? If so it is time to take a step back.

Examine your work load and the hours that you have been putting in. Is it conducive for your mental and physical health? Self evaluation and knowing our own limit is important.

Think about your sleep pattern. Has it been altered due to your work? Are you getting enough sleep? Sleep is imperative for a health body and mind. Do not miss out on it for any reason. And don't try to make up the hours. There is no such thing. Missed sleep is missed sleep. Give your body the time it needs to rest and recuperate.

Fix the Damage

The next step would be to fix or reverse the damage caused by the burnout and finding ways to manage and minimize your stress. This can be done by reducing your work load. Taking time to relax, even if it means allotting special time in your daily schedule to do so.

Do activities that relaxes you - That could be gardening, walking, listening to music etc. Do something that makes you happy.

When work is done, leave it there - Only work in the time you have designated to do so.

Don't overextend yourself - Know when to say no. Slowly killing yourself for a job, even one that you love, is never a good idea. Take time for yourself and you own self care.

Resiliency / Consistency

This step involves building your strength and resiliency. This comes with consistently choosing the things that are good for your health, mentally and physically. And choosing them always, not just when it is convenient or when you don't have a busy schedule, but always. Do it until it becomes a habit or second nature to do so. This will help to prevent further instances of burnout.


Burnout affects us physically and mentally and happens when we are not paying attention. Our jobs and our careers are important, but they are not the only important things in our lives. Take stock of some of the other things that matter in your life, feed into those parts of your life as well. Book that vacation or staycation, spend more time with your family and friends. Do activities that spark joy in your life, like your hobbies and favorite past time activities. Think about it, if our health fails, we still can't do the job that we have been sacrificing our health for. So it really makes no sense at all. So lets make healthier choices starting today and say no to burnout!



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