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Writer's pictureKimberly Clarke

Catching Feelings, Catching a Cold - The different types of cold/flu sufferers

Updated: Jun 13, 2020

It's insidious. It slips into your system with the slightest touch. It’s malicious. Its soul intent is to break down our bodies, one immune system at a time. It has been around for centuries and will undoubtedly be around after most of us are gone. It’s the flu virus, and it has been slowly killing me for the last two weeks. At least that’s what I thought. But according to the doctor, if there isn't a high fever, then it’s not influenza (flu). So apparently, I have been slowly dying from a common cold. Seriously? That’s all it took to take me out of commission for two weeks. Is this what my future looks like as I get older, complete body annihilation from a simple cold? Sad.

I really get in my feelings when I’m sick. I tend to succumb to the pain and wallow in sadness. It also explains my absence for about a week. I often hear that everyone handles sickness differently and this week, it got me thinking about the different types of personalities and how we handle our own sickness differently. I have broken it down into a few key types. Feel free to add more down in the comments, if you think I’ve neglected any worth mentioning.

The Fighters:

The first type are the fighters, and this is the group I admire most. These are the people who see a problem coming and attack it, preemptively. These people are usually like this with life in general. They are problem solvers, the self-starters and the motivational speakers. Basically, the all-round rock stars. In regards to the cold, they generally can sense it’s coming. For some reason, they are completely in tune with their bodies and can tell when something is off with it. They are also usually the holistic, heal yourself from within type as well. They know all the natural remedies. They are typically the person you overhear telling everyone in the cafeteria about a new way to heal themselves. Or about someone they know who almost cured cancer by eating a particular herb with a specific type of tea every day. Yup, they exist, and I have two friends like this. They are both vegetarians and just the most wonderful people I’ve ever known. But sometimes I look at them and wonder, “How do you know this? God, is that you in there?”

The Delusional:

Then there are the delusional. This group should be considered the most dangerous of the sickness sufferers. These are the people who never accept that they are sick. “Oh no. I’m not sick. I never catch the flu.” Then they do a few crunches to show you just how not sick they are. They are also the ones who spread the virus to everyone at the office because, of course, they’re not sick, so they’re not contagious. They also never take the recommended medicine because they don’t need it and they constantly ask, “Do, I even look sick to you?” “Yes, Caroline, you do. That is very much snot coming from your nose. Get it together, girl.” Cue meme of sick Monica from Friends denying she’s sick and trying to seduce Chandler.

Yes, resist the urge, you do not want to get with all of that. This is when that mask that is so loved by the Japanese people comes in handy. Protect yourself from danger. Do not be a Chandler. Keep it moving and do not even converse with the delusional sufferers.

The Wallowers:

The next group, I will call the ‘wallowers’ because that is exactly what they do. These are the ones who accept that they are sick right away, because they were expecting it. This is how life usually is for them. When the cold/flu season comes around, this girl knows because she already feels the weakness in her joints. This group can also be labeled a human 'sick-o-meter'. She can let everyone know when the 'flu is coming' because for her it's already here. Every flu season, the flu never misses her. It is a constant companion.

When this group get sick, they tend to wallow in it. You will get nothing from the 'wallowers' during this period. Catching a cold means being in their feelings, overthinking and kind of hating the world a little bit. Physically, it means staying in bed, wrapped up in a blanket and maybe watching Netflix all day, till the end comes. Because, yes, having a cold also means the end of the world… Did I mention that this group is a bit dramatic? Well, unfortunately, this group is the one I fall into. I even wax philosophical- to be or not to be? That is the question. "Will I even be here tomorrow?" Sorry, that's the last Friends reference, I promise. I binged watched it during my 'sick-wallowing' period, so it’s still swimming around in my head.

The Complainers:

These are the ones who complain about being sick. They complain about catching a cold before they get it, while they have it and even after it's gone. This group might be a little worse than the wallowers, solely because of the annoyance factor. They will tell anyone willing to listen about having the cold and the symptoms they're experiencing. However, I suggest being kind to the complainer, because they might just be in need of a little sympathy. So maybe just give them a listening ear... from a safe distance. "It’s OK Sandra, we heard. Yes, you have a cold. No, you won't die. At least not today. We're here for you." This is said while giving her a gentle pat on the shoulder. Then quickly walk away before she tells the story again.

How to heal:

I think there are good points to each group and some people are a mix of two or three types. We can all gain from adopting at least one of the features from each group. Adopting the fighting spirit of the ‘fighters’ can be really helpful. We all need to fight against the cold and the flu where possible, especially when it comes to preventative measures. Washing our hands is one of the key preventative measures according to doctors. Taking multi-vitamins and an extra dosage of vitamin C, have not been proven to be foolproof preventative measures, but they can be helpful. Some people even take flu shots during the flu season to prevent it. There have been varying results with the flu shot, but it couldn’t hurt to try it. A little fighting never hurts when it comes to the cold and life in general. It’s also good to know your options and explore the ones that work best for you.

The ‘delusional’ group also has some good points because sometimes mental strength can help to fortify us against sickness. There is much to say for positive thinking. There is also a popular Jamaican saying that supports this, ‘belief kills and belief cures.’ Basically, what you believe creates your reality. So send some positive thoughts and energy into the universe.

I know I have been particularly harsh on the ‘wallowers’ because I know this group too well. However, nothing cures the cold or the flu more soundly than a good 2-3 days of sleep and wallowing. You come back out on the other side of it feeling completely renewed. So the wallowers might be on to something.

Then for the 'complainers'. Sometimes talking with people and getting some comfort and kind words from a friend can really brighten a sick person’s day. It doesn't take much to comfort a sick friend.

So, no matter how we suffer, the important thing is knowing our options and figuring out what works for our bodies and personalities. Because eventually that cold gets us all, yes even you, you fighter you. So lets be smart out there and make wise decisions when it comes to our health.


2 commentaires

Kimberly Clarke
Kimberly Clarke
20 nov. 2019

Thank you! I’m glad I could offer you some information and humor! And putting them in categories kinda brightened my day too 😀 Thanks for reading my post!


Keera Clarke
Keera Clarke
19 nov. 2019

Hey kimmie, love your article about flu :-) you have brought to light a proper grouping of persons and how they deal with being affected by flu/cold.... And even though you were referring to a sickness, there was humor in it. Now anyone around me who have the flu, I will be able to put them in their perspective group with a smile on my face lolol.

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