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Writer's pictureKimberly Clarke

How to Travel Safely During COVID19

Updated: Oct 10, 2020

Let’s be honest, the idea of travelling right now is still a little scary. We are in the midst of a pandemic. So, my advice would be to stay home if you can, and if you can work from home, you probably should. But for those of us who must travel for work or to see our families, travelling is still a necessity and totally possible. So, here are some safety travel tips for you from someone who has had no choice but to travel during the pandemic.

Advisory: According to the CDC website, WHO and health care officials believe that travel increases your chance of getting and spreading COVID-19. Therefore, staying home is the best way to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.

However, I have been travelling for work. I have travelled by bus, car and plane recently for essential purposes. But I have been trying to do it safely. I will share some of those tips with you today.

Tips to stay safe while travelling by car during the pandemic

male driver. Shot of the car from the side showing the drivers side and the side mirror.

Travelling by car is one of the safest ways to travel at the moment during COVID19. Firstly, only a small amount of people can fit in a car, which reduces the risk. Secondly, those travelling with us in our personal cars, are usually family members or a part of our household. And since we already live with them and share their ‘cooties’ inside the house, there is not much else we can do to stay safe from them outside.

Wear a mask when driving with others in the car

Kid wearing a mask in the back seat of a car while travelling with others

However, if you are travelling in the car with people who are not a part of your household, it is best to wear a mask or face covering. But it is advised to keep the window of the car open while you are wearing a mask in the car.

Sanitize your car often

If you are using your car often during this pandemic, it is best to get it cleaned or sanitized often. I know this is something most people do even when there isn't a pandemic, but its best to get it done more regularly at the moment. For those who never clean their cars, you know yourselves, I've seen them, you know what you need to do. Get into the habit of cleaning your car. If you can afford to get it professionally done, then that would be great. But if not, cleaning it yourselves is also sufficient. Just sanitize and do what you need to do to make your car a safe place for you and your family.

Take hand sanitizers with you or keep it in your car

Take hand sanitizers or antibacterial wipes with you whenever you travel to clean your hands and /or surfaces. You should also wash your hands regularly when travelling. This is advised when travelling in general, no matter the means of transportation. But for cars specifically you can leave hand sanitizers or antibacterial wipes in the vehicle so you can have it handy whenever you need it.

A few months ago, there was some information circulating with a warning about hand sanitizers. It stated that they will self-heat and combust in closed cars if it gets too hot. However, the National Fire Protection Association has cleared that myth up. They said hand sanitizers will not combust because the material that it is made up of, does not self-heat. You can read more about it here.

Tips to stay safe while travelling by bus or train

I have always loved taking public transportation because it takes the responsibility of driving out of my hands. I can just sit back and enjoy the view. Whether that is the train going through the Japanese countryside or a bus driving through rush hour traffic in the heart of Toronto, I enjoy them both. But enter COVID 19, and now my travel experience has been slightly tainted. But if you are like me and still need to use public transportation every now and then, have no fear we can still take the bus or train somewhat safely during the pandemic.

Follow protocol or rules of the area

Each country, state or district may have their own rules when it comes to using public transportation during COVID19. It is wise to abide by the rules of each country or city.

In Toronto one of the regulations for using the buses or trains is to wear a mask or face covering. This is an attempt to keep you and others safe. There might be some who are unable to wear a mask because of health reasons, but from my observation everyone has been wearing their masks on the buses and trains in Toronto.

Follow the Guidelines for Seating on the Bus /Train

There are seating guidelines on the buses and trains to help with physical distancing while travelling, in some places. The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) is one of the Transport Authorities that has done so. If this seating guideline is followed, commuters are able to adhere to the social distancing recommendation by the CDC.

Tips to stay safe while travelling by plane during the pandemic

Travelling by plane is really fun. If you have been following this website for a bit, you will know that I love to travel. See my posts here and here about travelling. Air travel has been one of the hardest hit during the pandemic and we can understand why. While travelling by plane we can't exactly pop open a window if we feel for some fresh air. Or freshen the air if someone coughs or sneezes. I mean someone coughing or sneezing right now even outside, in open air, still scares the bejesus out of everyone. Clutches pearls "Oh, does he have the COVID? (insert old southern lady voice here)".

So, should we be flying at all? It is advised that we avoid air travel. However, in regard to the air on airplanes, the way air is filtered thoroughly and at regular intervals, so it is not as easy to catch a virus (you can learn more about it here). My advice would be to keep airplane travel to a minimum, but if you must do it, it can be done safely.

Keep it Clean

Don’t forget your hand sanitizer and wipes while travelling by plane. I know the airlines have been trying to be vigilant with cleaning and sanitizing, but it never hurts to be safe and give the area you are sitting in some additional cleaning yourself. Give special care to areas such as hand rests, windows, air vents, earphone jacks, basically anywhere around you that everyone is likely to touch while sitting there.

Check the COVID 19 status at your Destination / Know the Guidelines of the Area

Check if there is an increase in cases of COVID19 at your destination point. It is best to know ahead of time so you can make an informed decision about whether to go or postpone your trip. It is also good to know the guidelines for travelling in that area before you go. This will help you to avoid breaking any of the rules of that country or district. In some countries you only need to wear a mask in business places or crowded areas. While in other countries you have to wear one at all times even when outside. It’s probably best to check ahead to avoid awkward situations.

If Unwell Consider not Travelling

If you are feeling even slightly sick, consider not travelling. Some airlines may do temperature checks if you show signs of sickness. Then something as mild as a cold or flu might get tagged as a COVID19 case. This will then cause a disruption for the airline, other travelers and of course yourself, messing up your entire travel plan. Be safe and only travel when you are in good health.

It's ok to Look Silly

When it comes to being safe, do what makes you feel comfortable. Some people feel safe and comfortable wearing only a face mask or a simple face covering while catching a flight. While others feel more protected when wearing both a face mask and a face shield. While others don't feel protected enough without wearing a full hazmat type suit with a facemask underneath and if possible, a face shield over that as well. Trust me I have seen it all. On my flight about a month ago, I saw a young man wearing a full hazmat suit. No one even batted an eye.

It is COVID times y'all, feel free to be as protected as you want to be. There was no one judging him, well at least not outwardly. At the time, to be honest I even felt a pang of jealousy and wished that I was as protected as him on my flight. There is no wrong way to protect yourself in this pandemic, once it doesn't endanger others or yourself. The only time you might get the angry stares is if you're not protecting yourself at all. Because at that point you are now putting others at risk, not just yourself.


From one travel lover to another, we just have to accept that now is just not the time to fulfill our wanderlust. However, if work or family obligations makes travel a necessity, I hope these tips were able to calm your anxieties. Don’t worry, travelling can be done safely, if we all follow the rules and safety guidelines and try to be mindful of others. In the meantime, lets also hope for safer, pandemic free times ahead. Until next time be safe everyone and lets keep our suitcases ready.


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