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Amy Collett

Necessary Know-How for the Novice Traveler

Planning your first adventure is a liberating experience. However, no matter how many times you’ve gone over your plans, there are some things that you will only learn once your luggage has racked up a few thousand miles. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t harness the wisdom of others in your planning and preparation process. Keep reading for some tips that can help you make the most of your journeys.

Know the traffic rules of each area that you’ll explore

For the most part, driving domestically won’t change much from place to place. However, there may be certain nuances, such as cell phone laws or U-turn rules, that are different from where you live. If you’re going to be driving, research rules specific to the areas where you’ll be traveling. If you're traveling in Canada, HotCars has done the work for you and offers driving laws that you must obey.

Get full coverage for your vehicle.

When you’re on the road, you should prepare for what you can’t predict. If you’re going on a road trip, you’re better off getting full coverage for your car. Full coverage is a combination of comprehensive and collision coverage. This coverage will not only insure you if you’re in an accident, but you’ll also be covered if your car is stolen, vandalized, or damaged due to an unforeseen weather event.

Don’t overestimate your vehicle.

Speaking of driving, make sure that your vehicle is up for whatever task lies ahead. If you’re going to be mostly in the city, a small vehicle, like a Toyota Corolla (which is both reliable and economical), should be just fine for your adventure. However, if you’ll be out in the country with dirt roads and unpaved paths, a four-wheel or all-wheel drive vehicle will most likely be your safest mode of transport. If you aren’t sure of your car’s capabilities, a quick Google search of your make and model can put you in the know.

Bring along a reliable phone

Before hitting the road, be sure you’re taking a smartphone that you can count on. When you’re traveling, a solid phone will allow you to find the most desirable places to stay, use GPS, and download any helpful travel apps. And if you’re driving, you can use newer phone models hands free which helps you drive safely. For example, Apple has a feature called “do not disturb while driving” which can silence distracting messages. Meanwhile, Android phones have a feature called “Driving Mode” that automatically rejects incoming calls through messages that correspond with your current activity. And don't forget to pack a car charger so that your phone stays powered up during your travels. The last thing you want is to get in a situation where you need to use your phone, but it ran out of battery life!

Pack the necessities.

Packing is an art form; don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. There is a delicate balance between just enough and too much, and ideally, you’ll want to fall somewhere in the narrow in-between. Obviously, you will need clothes, shoes, and money, but don’t neglect things that you use every day, such as prescription medications and deodorant. Items you do not need to pack include towels, guidebooks, or anything that you can assign a “maybe” to when asking yourself if you know that you will put your hands on it while you are away.

Don’t press yourself for time between flights.

Unless you’re flying directly, you will have at least a brief layover in a city that is not your intended destination. Be conscientious when booking flights so that you have enough time to get to your new airplane. Usually, if the airline plans the layover, they will allow for enough time between flights. However, if you find that it is cheaper to simply book flights individually, you’ll need to pay close attention to the clock. Give yourself at least two hours, which should be enough time to find your luggage, locate your departing terminal, and take a quick bathroom break. Tip: Make your luggage stand out and it will be easier to find.

Be open to options.

Unless you've got your heart set on somewhere specific, keep your options open. If you’re on a tight budget, you’ll usually find the best deals by waiting until the last minute. Sites like often list significant price drops with the catch that you have to book fast and be willing to leave on short notice. Alternatively, you can contact your airline of choice to find out if they have any empty seats that they’re willing to fill for a steal.

There’s a lot that goes into planning a vacation. Many things you will simply learn along the way, However, don’t be afraid to ask for advice, and most importantly, don’t be afraid to explore the world.

Image via Pixabay

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