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Amy Collett

Teaching Kids the Art of Self-Care

Even though kids are generally quite resilient, they also face the pressures and stress of everyday life and are constantly bombarded with endless messages from social media, their peers, and television. Teaching kids self-care measures when they’re young can help them build confidence, self-soothe, and make healthy decisions as adults. The Comfort Zine offers an abundance of resources to aid you on this journey.

Recognize and Acknowledge Stressors

Adults can sometimes downplay stress in kids, which can lead to an unhealthy dynamic. Even though children might not have job worries or financial problems to contend with, they do face social pressures at school and in their friend groups. Many are overscheduled and attuned to social issues in the media that can impact their sense of security and wellbeing, and if there are problems at home, they can internalize those as well. According to Psych Central, acknowledge fears and worries and reassure them to the extent you can. Help them process rather than dismiss their concerns. This will help create a strong bond and improve your family life for the better.

Model Healthy Self-Care

Kids learn by doing, so let them see you taking care of yourself in healthy ways. Plan and prepare nutritious meals together, and go on regular walks or bike rides as a way to encourage physical activity. Explain what stress and anxiety feel like and demonstrate coping solutions, like learning mindful breathing, or meditative practices. This will empower your kids to both recognize when they need a mental health break and feel confident in their abilities to self-regulate. Talking openly about such topics will also establish you as a safe place for your kids, which can be tremendously beneficial as they get older and face increasing pressures.

Provide Resources

In addition to modeling healthy behaviors and self-care measures, give your kids access to other resources. For example, Scholastic says starting a gratitude journal can help them focus on the things in their life that are positive; a private diary can help them put their emotions on paper; participating in a faith community can give them spiritual guidance and involvement; and letting them speak privately with their primary care provider can give them a sense of autonomy, knowing there is a trusted adult they can talk to about anything they might be uncomfortable bringing up with you. All of these measures will help your kids make better choices for themselves throughout their lives.

Encourage a Love of the Arts

Art takes many forms and can serve as both a creative and emotional outlet for children. Go to art museums, enroll them in crafting or painting classes, or introduce them to different types of music and literature. Not only can this be enjoyable and relaxing, studies show it can also boost brainpower! A love of the arts can be nurtured throughout life and can be personally enriching on numerous levels. It can also expand kids’ scope of interests and get them away from the constant barrage of screens and the noise that comes with them. For many people, enjoying or making art are forms of self-care.

Build Confidence

Building confidence in kids gives them the leeway they need to care for themselves on a personal level. Let them explore different interests and hobbies; travel with them to different places where they can experience different cultures; volunteer as a family to demonstrate the value of giving back to your community; give them choices and autonomy where it is possible and prudent to do so; establish boundaries where appropriate and make them accountable in an age-appropriate way. For example, involving them in family chores and letting them earn an allowance gives them both accountability and responsibility while teaching them good money management habits.

Modeling healthy self-care measures for your kids and encouraging them on their own personal wellness journeys can provide an exceptional foundation from which to build. It also acknowledges their personhood and lets them know they matter!

Comfort Zine shares ideas and insights around how to find comfort and balance in our lives. Visit the site today to learn more.



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